6 (Unexpected) Lessons from 2024
In the quiet moments between chaos and creation, reflection becomes both a luxury and a necessity...
In the quiet moments between chaos and creation, reflection becomes both a luxury and a necessity...
Things are moving along in the master plan...
(it’s not just geographical)
The masses have declared, in the form of view counts and interest in my offers, that El Salvador is far more interesting than becoming an authentic creator.
Because I see hope here. I see actual problems being solved for real people...
Solving the problem of being human lies in our own mindset.
The truth is, being busy can be awesome if you're building something you believe in...
I figured this would be a good time to tell you more about what I'm doing and why I'm down here.
... my real goal was following through, because I’d never done it before. My only metric for success was my own consistency.
Everyone's got something to say these days but what percentage of people are actually taking the steps to say it?
Why did it take me so long to understand this?
When that burning excitement invades your consciousness one fateful day... what do you do?
and an update on my "$100M Net Worth by 2039"
Being a "creator" means you have the wherewithal and know-how to create the life you envision for yourself.
and here's my proclamation to the world. (new youtube video!)
Modern society seems to outsource the body’s well-being to just about anything or anyone else...
Let's catch up on what's been going on down here!
You asked for it, so here it is.
One of my chief goals this year is to finally get consistent with my daily creative routine.
I arrived in El Salvador on a one-way ticket approximately 9 days ago now (Lau and the kids get here
Jordan Urbs 4.0 is on its way! But WHY?! ...
Make content, even if it's not "content"
...turns out pretty far, if you decide to put in the work.
Jordan, It’s been months! Where have you been?!
Join me as I share weekly updates on my life, building a business and developing community in El Salvador.