I went too far

High-ticket distractions got me like...
I went too far

Something happened in the last few weeks that really accentuates the ups & downs (and emotional volatility) of getting into the creator biz...

In lieu of sticking to my 1-man creator goals, I started offering other services that complement my video coaching offer.

Sound like a good idea, right?
More value, more money.

All well & good in a general business sense; however, those other services require me to hire others in order to fulfill

and that adds a whole new layer of attention to my operations.

In other words, it’s not really a 1-man solopreneur show anymore.

Fortunately, I’m subscribed to the “flowgram” of life.

And every day my experience is filled with unique ironies that serve to resolve my personal misalignments with unavoidable material actualities.

One such catalytic case this last week: the client(s) that had expressed interest in—and even paid for!—these extra services changed their mind about diving into video and wanted their money back.

This happened before I recognized any misalignment on my part, so it still felt like a hit.
Financial, professional, emotional.

It’s been a definite process since then,
questioning my self-worth as one does on the downswings of entrepreneurship.

But on the other side of the punch, as the stars clear

and it becomes glaringly obvious that becoming a full-service content production house again is not what I set out to do,

I can find gratitude in how life shows up right when it needs to;

to show me that this path wasn't for me.

Now I return back to the fork in the road and continue down the original path.

2 steps forward, 1 step back…”

So with the personal development side out of the way, now I like to look at why this happened to begin with:

I got distracted by the numbers.

It felt easier to sell a high-ticket offer with a tangible product attached.

But at that point, it’s not really a solopreneur’s high-ticket offer at all anymore,
and instead its all about producing a deliverable.

And I am not a delivery boy.”

An individual's high-ticket offer should (in my opinion) be something purely related to their expertise within the context of their work

(their deepest work, their most fulfilling work, their most POWERFUL work that can affect others).

This hadn't clicked with me until this last week.

And it really needed to click for me to understand something.

This is where the conversation of self-worth comes in.

Once we know we have huge value to share with others,

first we must share it (for cheap)

in order to prove it (for testimonials)

and then we can start to feel it...

And then it becomes a business

that shines right out from our most authentic selves.

We can embody it, instead of just think it.

It's a long, winding journey, but keeping on it is the only way forward.

So many recent moments where I've wanted to give up, feeling like it's all for naught...
but things are picking up again.

There is hope.

I'm starting to remember who I am.

About the author
Jordan Urbs

Creating Authentic AF Content

Read my reflections on life, building a brand-facing business, and cultivating a life of freedom in my weekly newsletter, The Multi-Purposeful Content Hour:

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