My new goal is to get rich

and here's my proclamation to the world. (new youtube video!)
My new goal is to get rich
That's what I'm going to look like

I've decided my new goal in life is to make myself wealthy.

Unique, right?

See, I’m already wealthy beyond belief, with two beautiful children, a supportive wife, great friends and business partners, solid relationships with my parents, etc.

And I already blew my chance to make an easy fortune with Bitcoin or crypto.
Karma didn't want me to get there the easy way in this life.

But I never cared about attracting obscene amounts of money to me before.

Beyond basic survival needs, before becoming a father I preferred to live as an ascetic nomad, minimally, preferring not to think about financial matters much.

(They're kind of a headache, let's be real.)

Yet... now that I'm playing the game of material living,

I figure I may as well play it hard.

Target: to be worth $100M by 2039 (adjusted for inflation, of course)

So how am I going to do it?

Separating my goals into smaller tasks has been the game changer of my life lately.

I may have gotten stuff done in my youthful years, but I was never the guy who took the time to visualize the steps necessary to get to where I want to be...

In fact, I never took time to even think about where I wanted to be in the future, because that felt misaligned with how I lived my life.

But now it's been a focal point of my routine, and I love the new me it's bringing out.

I introduce my plan in greater detail here:

So that's what these next 15 years will all be about. By the time my youngest is 18, I'll have fulfilled my potential for material wealth.

And after that, I'll be free to go retire naked at the beach in Hawaii.

Cheers to a new era, new goals, new me.

About the author
Jordan Urbs

The Multi-Purposeful Content Hour

Join me as I de-mystify modern building with AI, share the life of a creator, and reflect on solopreneurship.

Jordan Urbs

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