Overcoming Downer Days :/

Solving the problem of being human lies in our own mindset.
Overcoming Downer Days :/

We’re human and life happens. Ups & downs.

I wrote the first draft of this from a place of “f*ck everything." A bad, downer mood that I did my best to contain to my inner world, and process accordingly.

During times like this, the last thing I want to do is sit down and create, be productive.

Yet this is the real medicine.

Solving the problem of being human lies in our own mindset. In a world that peddles every possible supplement, medication, or therapy as a way to fix our lack of purpose, I’ve found that stripping away the stuff that isn’t me is the most powerful way to get back on track.

(I’ve discussed purposelessness before; in my case, it’s the most frequent culprit to my downer days like this.)

If I stop to observe myself in this funk today versus the same funk 5 years ago, I am offered reassurance and even hope. Back then, I would have lounged around in bed all day feeling sorry for myself until the inspiration finally hit to get up and go after something.

Today, I take baby steps towards pulling myself out of the clutches of resistance.

Sometimes it’s as simple as taking in some sunlight, consuming a little caffeine, maybe a little nicotine or cannabis.

But that’s still being dependent on things outside of myself. The sovereign individual knows that the solution lies within, and recognizes external tools as exactly that: tools to help, not actual solutions.

What I’ve learned in recent years of personal development is that in the process of cultivating a sovereign state of mind, we’re also building an arsenal of tools to be at our disposal when the inner challenges arrive.

Forget the why it’s happening and focus on the how to transform the inner negativity into outer beauty.

Baby steps. I spent an hour sitting in the sun this morning doing absolutely nothing as the kids played together happily.

I followed up with a micro-dose of exercise and a shower to remind myself of the power of routine. I know breakfast and caffeine would start to motivate me, but instead I sat down to write this and get myself back on track.

And that’s why I’m so into this “multi-purposeful content” thing.

Beyond the standard healing power of creativity, the ultimate life hack is knowing that I can create with the purpose of pulling myself out of a funk while also providing (hopefully) useful perspective to someone out there that may be familiar with this same “downer day” experience.

It’s about transcending mere pen to paper and alchemizing the human experience into communicable lessons.

I’m feeling better now!

About the author
Jordan Urbs

Creating Authentic AF Content

Read my reflections on life, building a brand-facing business, and cultivating a life of freedom in my weekly newsletter, The Multi-Purposeful Content Hour:

Jordan Urbs

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