Starting over... again

and discovering the space to build
Starting over... again
Covered fishing boats in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

What I once considered karmic chaos is now par for the course in my life... but I'm finally starting to find strength in it.

Allow me to elaborate:

Staying in one place may as well be impossible for me.

(If you've known me long enough, you can attest to this.)

It took years to drop the shame of being different than most: I was always keen to travel but scared to get locked into a location, a life I didn't want.

So when I encountered magical places like New Orleans or the Big Island that reflected my youthful zeal for life right back at me, I desperately tried to call these places home.

It normally lasted a few months, until reality bared its fangs or opportunity beckoned elsewhere. Even after building our house in Hawaii, we didn't last more than 9 months before taking 3+ months away to go someplace else... ha.

(Case in point, I'm writing this from El Salvador.)

That volatile lifestyle lead me to 50 countries and immeasurable experience with the world and baseline humanity. But it always lacked one thing:

The space to build.

To create. To go deeper within myself with a safe container around me.

And this is why we're here today.

The things I built & created while living on the road lacked reality. Lacked grounding. I solved problems no one had, and failed to provide alternative value in the form of something like entertainment or intrigue.

I decided to change that 2 years ago, around the same time I picked up writing this newsletter again. I wanted to learn to start a business, provide value to others, and finally live less financially-stressed.

But these are not overnight goals.

It takes time to learn everything required to start "printing money" on the internet. And let me tell you... after 2 years grinding, discovering more of myself along the way, I think I'm finally getting close. (It's taken a lot of ego sacrifice.)

I thought the last 9 months in El Salvador would be it. We had a team. We had funding. We had a strong purpose, a general mission, and a vague vision of where it was headed. We had attention.

Yet we still internally combusted.

Life is life, and sometimes intuition should be listened to early on when the faintest of red flags appear. When things are still rosy.

Instead, we trucked onwards. And everything blew up in our face in a way no one could have expected. (My last post about pivoting to AI is about half of the story.)

Suffice to say, here I am again in 2 familiar positions:

  1. In June, when our lease is up, we're leaving El Salvador.
  2. I'm starting a new online business.. again.

Leaving El Salvador

I'll keep it simple: we simply don't enjoy it here. We miss family, we miss the raw nature of Hawaii, we miss the quirks of Argentine culture.

We miss clean food and fresh produce.

This became abundantly clear for us after last week in Guatemala. Lau saw the "plant doctor" (as I explained it to the kids) while I toured Lake Atitlan with the little ones and some Bitcoiner friends for 4 days.

The time away from the city/suburbs/corporate culture was enlightening, to say the least.

Between the ayahuasca and the mayan vacation vibes, we finally came back in touch with reality: El Salvador doesn't feel like home.

(Top if off with El Salvador's recent IMF agreement, which is the nail in the coffin for a long-term future here, as far as I'm concerned.)

So while maybe commercial success with a physical presence here could have changed things, Lau and I just don't see the point in sticking around. Many of our friendships here feel superficial and shallow, and it's hard to live a life of peace & harmony with nature.

In short: we're discovering more truth about our deepest values.

And this ain't it!

So we're hitting the road... again.

Examining our criteria & options, we're not sure what/where makes sense yet. So we're doing it all:

It's off to California for the summer,
then checking in on Hawaii,
then Q4 in Argentina,

and finally make a decision about where to hunker down in 2026+

(frankly I'm hoping it's Hawaii... more on that in another post)

Starting a new business

Meanwhile, I've got some juicy new projects that I'm eager to share in the coming weeks.

Each project is interrelated as a functioning ecosystem, and its fundamental component is a proven passive income generator that will fuel my more eccentric ambitions farther up the ladder.

I'll be building everything in public, documenting what I learn.

Things have gotten so much easier with AI lately, and the opportunities are everywhere for those willing to learn the skills and put in the work, so it feels like a reasonable next step in my "creator" journey. I still want to encourage everyone to start building online.

Expect more consistent posts from me as I get this off the ground!

In conclusion... We've got 3 months left here in El Salvador. With stability.

The space to build.

I don't know what comes afterwards, but I'm finding gratitude in this opportunity in the here & now.

I can get a lot done in 3 months.

About the author
Jordan Urbs

The Multi-Purposeful Content Hour

Join me as I de-mystify modern building with AI, share the life of a creator, and reflect on solopreneurship.

Jordan Urbs

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